Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Compass

Thank you all of you for taking out time to share your comments on my last blog ‘Where’s your Compass?’ Since this blog is in continuation to that, hence my recommendation would be to first check that first in case you haven’t already done that. 

The values of Benjamin Franklin ended up eating up all the space there was for that blog, that my good friend Jayanth sent me the following message “I cannot see your thoughts”. What he meant was that these were Franklin’s thoughts and not mine, and rightly so, this motivated me to write down this blog.

Thanks Jayanth / Neeraj / Rashid / Puneet / Vikas Katyal / Arun / Nitesh / Pooja / Ruchi / Jasmine for sharing your inputs / thoughts on this. Special thanks to Neeraj as well for pointing out that something was missing in my last blog.

A few driving values which I believe in most are shared below. These are not arranged in any particular order and may not be exhaustive in nature. These are inspirational and something I would want to incorporate in my life to the “T”

  1. Family before self - I am responsible for my family.
  2. ‘Say what you mean and Mean what you say’ – Avoid sarcasm in speech.
  3. Never say Die – Develop a positive Attitude & ‘Will to win’. Whenever you lose something, don’t forget the lesson.
  4. Always Believe that I have scope for improvement – Learning never Ends and bring paradigm shift in my beliefs.
  5. Respect others & their feelings – Be Polite  & ‘Do unto others; what you want others to do to you.’
  6. Trust and be trusted – ‘Honestly is the best policy.’ Don’t loose trust in others because one person misused your trust.
  7. Social Responsibility – Do something, howsoever little it may be, constructive for the society. It makes you feel good.
  8. Develop tolerance towards difficult people & avoid criticism. To smile when it is most difficult.
  9. Think Before Speaking – Be Patient  and remember ‘Patience always pays’
  10. Always look at the Big Picture’ in life and not loose focus in event of failure or accident.
  11. Live in Moderation; maintain a healthy balance between ‘Work & Life’.
  12. Setting Priorities Right – So that I am able to achieve all that I target for myself within the stipulated time.

(The words which are in BOLD are hyperlinks which will take to some of my earlier blogs I shared with you all. Do click on them to find out more..)

I might not be 100% compliant of these above mentioned values but I will strive to ensure that I come as close as possible when it comes to living these values.

Do share some of your guiding principles as well....

P.S – I would be taking a printout and putting it on my workstation.

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