Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Big Picture

Some of us would have seen those mammoth hoardings of a very popular insurance company with the tag line “YOU ARE THE BIG PICTURE”. 

As individuals we come across lot of instances where we ask for directions, guidance help from our elders, seniors, friends because we get lost in doing a lot of micro things that we loose the big picture.

What is “BIG PICTURE”? To me, it’s like a road map which shows me where I am and the road I am going to take to reach to my destination.

I would like to share the story of the Six Blind Men who described one animal as snake, a wall, a tree, a spear, a fan and a rope. The animal in question turned out to be…………………….. A ELEPHANT? Each of the six blind men described what they felt by touching the elephant to each other. I am sure you can understand how difficult it would have been for them to see the complete picture.

This small story may be true for each one of us as well. The way we look at the world may just be a reflection of what people close to us think about and might not be the true or the complete picture.

A lot of times we are reminded by our good friends to stop looking at the finer details and utilise most of our times in search of perfection ending up loosing the big picture.
Have you ever tried the Google Earth software which lets you zoom out and lets you see the same place from higher altitude with a broader perspective?  Can we have something like that for us as well? Wishful thinking…but the same is not available yet for us to use in our personal or professional lives.

Don’t see the world from the eyes of others and believe it, decide your goal, plan well towards it , take some calculated risks, be open for learning, read books and most importantly keep asking yourself the million dollar question regularly………….”What’s your BIG PICTURE and where am I fitting in that today?”

The “Big Picture” helps us in the following ways…(and it goes without saying that feel free to add to this list..)
1. See the vision beforehand,
2. Size up the situation, taking into consideration lot of variables,
3. Seize the moment, when the timing is right.

I am sure you would be amazed that your perceptions about your surrounding will undergo a paradigm shift. 

I leave you with this thought “ People who are constantly looking at the whole
picture have the best chance of succeeding in any endeavor."- John Maxwell

Do share your thoughts on this and how you keep your tab on the BIG PICTURE.


  1. Very True....
    All these years we have been carrying somebody else's vision and working building & fulfilling their dreams...

    Its the same question we need to ask ourselves.."Have I made it Large?"

    I remember Ratan Tata's statement once he had said..." I dont make right decisions, I take the decisions and make it right.

    But the myth is "today everybody wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die"...strange but true.

    Well said Bhupesh in your article. It reminded me about the decision I took for my life 8 months back. Putting almost everything on stake and taking a bold decision to build my own castle rather than building others.

    Good Work I must appreciate. Keep writing and continue sharing...Thanks a lot for sharing it with me.

