Saturday, October 23, 2010


Life is the biggest teacher and there are 2 ways of learning in our lives. The first one is through our own experiences and the latter by other’s experiences. However, the following quote “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional” is very true. I remember attending a workshop where the trainer asked a question “What is your experience?” Someone replied that it was 8 years. He asked “8 years or 8 times one year experience?". Basically what he was trying to make a point was whether we actually learned in the first year was brushed up in the subsequent years or we kept making the same mistakes every year without learning from our own experiences. When we look back in time, we realize that some of our biggest learning has come from our own failures. Though we can never guarantee success in every endeavor we undertake, the attempt in achieving the target has to be 100%. Every day we get new experiences either good or bad. The saying “when you fail in your attempt, never fail to attempt again” is old but still applicable.

Secondly, learning from other’s experiences is faster. Now in my view, there is a catch that we should not see the event in isolation but in totality.  We all undergo phases where we need some one to advice us because we are so glued to the situation that we are unable to see the bigger picture. If we look around ourselves for successful people, we find ‘discipline’ to be the most common trait amongst them. Discipline is the biggest asset in whatever field we are. Just by observing these people , you would realize why  they responded to a situation in a manner they did. Learning doesn’t only come from elderly people but from every person we meet in our daily lives. All we need to be is willing to learn from them.

There wouldn’t be a day when you would have learnt nothing new. So enjoy everyday experiences and don’t forget to learn the lesson!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed true, Experience comes thru learning and Knowledge it is backbone of every process and I remember the words of Ratan Tata " Experience prevents us from making mistakes, but experience comes from making mistakes" I read this in some interview
