Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's ok to fail sometimes....

I am very sure that most of the people reading this would think that such statements are out dated and in this fast paced razor sharp life we get only one chance.
As a good coach / teacher / parent would agree, it is very important to taste failure for true success.
Life is not a battle but a war. No matter we lose a few battles, but the war must be won !!
The American Army, for instance, would only hire people for their elite team people who had sometimes in their careers failed and bounced back. The thought was if the person has not failed ever, it is difficult to know how he would react to failure / situation of hopelessness.
Another example of this is the vaccines injections we get when we are young. They help our body fight the diluted strains of virus and ensure that we are not harmed in our future lives.
The only caveat for this mantra is that we need to use it very judiciously. We cannot use this on each and every instance of failure where didn't even try to do something whole-heartedly.

Failure is not in falling, but in not getting up after falling.

So everytime you don't succeed, don't lower your targets but raise your own standards of attempt!!

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  1. I agree n I think we all know this by now.. No matter how much you want your loved ones to be protected or away from troubles I really feel that its important for each and every individual to face their own obstacles and find out a way by their own. Its fine to fall sometimes and at that time parents or loved ones can support and help them come out of the mess. But we should let them design their own lives. And by now I also believe that most of the things in our lives are already planned as for some reason planning never works for me so I take it as it comes. Some of the not so good times, my achievements & my past experience help me now to take some future decisions but for sure whenever I have ever not success in my life I have felt more stronger after that phase is over. So where my achievements have given me confidence to face this great world, my not so good times have made me stronger.. (I dont like to use failure as a word in my life or even for anyone else ;) - it makes you feel negative!!)

    -- Usha

  2. Very well put...they are truly called the stepping stones of success.
