Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Time

Though we are almost one week into the New Year, I sincerely wish all of you a Wonderful, Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011.  It’s great to be back sharing my thoughts with you after a short break. My last blog brought out some divergent views on the controversial topic “Luck versus Ability”. A very warm ‘Thank You’ to all friends who posted their thoughts on my blog or sent reply to my message. I would be posting them under the comments sections with the acronym of their names. 

New Year is the time for Resolutions. Well, for me, it is to continue to seek improvement in whatever I do and ensure that I learn from my everyday experiences. I know it sounds very bookish and boring but it is not as easy as it looks.  I have shared my earlier blog on “Learning” (<----you can click here to read that blog) and this would be an extension to that.

First Time

When was the last time you did something for the first time? This is an innocuous looking question but its answer tells us a lot of things.

As I had mentioned in one of my earlier blog 'Learning', our experiences in day-to-day lives broadens our horizon and helps us understand things from a bigger perspective. We can learn from ours as well as other's experiences. Most of the learning has come during times when we are not at the helm of affair. Every time we come out of these difficult situations, we realise that we have become stronger and definitely we would respond to the same situation in a better way.

Let me share my experience of visiting the Police Station & Delhi Court for the first time in my life.

I happened to be dining at one of South Delhi's happening restaurant when one thief broke my car's window pane to steal my belongings kept on the rear seat. However, to his bad luck on a busy Saturday night, his act was stopped midway and he was apprehended red-handed. Police was called and this guy got arrested. So far, so good. But now I learnt that since my belongings were now case property I was required to file a complaint to get my stuff back. It's been 3 months now and till date I have visited the police station thrice and appeared in court once but the matter has still not been disposed. As luck would have it, the judge was on leave that day and now my next date is in second half of 2011.

Moral of the story - Don't leave stuff in your car while parking!!

I am reminded of the quote” It is better to protect your feet by wearing slippers rather than trying to carpet the whole world”

The second part of the learning is what we try to do proactively. It can be learning a new language / dance classes / increase your educational quotient by enrolling yourself for some new course / health regime etc.

The last time I did something for the first time was about 2 months back when I wrote my first blog.

Coming back to the golden question….what's your story? Do share it and post it in the comments section.


  1. Learning is something which is never ending process.Only yesterday, i was reading something interesting which stated that in a journey of life, one has to continously learn, un- learn and re learn the things. This means that even if you are doing the routine, there could be many first in that also, which opens up the new dimensions and paradigms.For me, if i dig deeper there's something first time in the daily chores.

  2. Well i think LIfe in itself is a constant learning process.we keep on learning thrroughout our life,and all these lessons had already been devised by us before taking birth even.Many of us must have learnt Le Chatlier's principle which says"A change in a reaction invokes a response in which the reaction tries to undo the effect cause thus",so is wid our lives-A change happens in our life n we go on trying to undo its effect ...thus we keep learning n even keep a memory of da same
