Friday, May 4, 2012

Talking Clock - 2

Hello everyone,

My last blog “The Talking Clock” brought me back to the world of blogging something I was really missing for the last one year. I am thankful to everyone who took out time to read my blog and share their views with me. Would like to have a special word of appreciation for Gaurav Narula who just opened a totally new paradigm with his practical approach on this subject. This blog is in continuation to the last blog (incase you haven't read it already, I urge you to click on the link to read it first) and an attempt to answer Gaurav’s query. I would appreciate if you posted your comments for everyone’s viewing.

Would like to share the story about the big elephant being chained by the small iron chain. A gentle shrug from the giant beast would be enough to be free him forever. Why doesn’t he try…..not because he cant but because he’s given up.. !!! Ever wondered why he gave up? Because no matter how hard he tried to break the chain when he was small, it wouldn't break. This is the best example of a mind-set I have come across so far. So believe in yourself and just give it one real try before you finally give it up.

So why in the first place did I feel being able to fix the clock was so important to share with you all. Here’s some background to it. I am an avid electronic give me anything and I would want to know what all options are there etc etc... Day one when I got the clock, I tried really hard and long to figure out the way to change the was such a trivial thing that I didn't feel like going to the shop keeper to seek how it this urge began from that grew over time as I saw it every day for almost 2 years... . It was an over story for me, I had been used to watching the temp in degrees F for 2 why even try to change it...but yesterday my inner urge still wanted me to try.  So I tried again and fixed it in 2 minutes this time.

So what I I was trying to do for such a long time was achieved in such a short period of only 2 minutes. Where was the difference? Attitude for persistence, a brush of luck and the willingness to try one more chance.  That's what my blog was all about...the inner urge should never be ignored. I knew it was possible and I solved the puzzle or war as I mentioned in my first blog. This happiness was heart felt...sometimes they refresh your own belief in yourself...maybe its the little spark you require sometimes...the small sense of victory ...sense of may mean nothing to anybody but you feel great and emphatic about it...that was the underlying emphasis of my blog.

"...CUT TO REALITY, & BANG - with the ever changing scenarios of today is it really worth banging your head on the same thing over and over again. In this fast paced world full of options and opportunities should one really be looking at attempting things again and again. Is this achievement really worth the efforts..." (excerpt from Gaurav's comment)

Life will always be fast and full of choices…..The point raised by Gaurav was that is it really worth for someone to really bang his head on the same thing again . My answer is yes till the time he believes he can achieve it. I am talking of personal confidence of achieving the given target.  For eg. you dont study for an exam and keep sitting in the examination every year, that wouldn't help at all. Preparation and dedication are essential ingredients for success. I am only talking about things that you really want to achieve, that badly that you are willing to put your everything into ensuring you achieve it.There cannot be options for people who don’t know what they want or want everything they can think of.  What if there was no option and getting it was the only option.....we should try to give it our best! Nobody can guarantee success and we can only attempt with confidence. I did earlier write a blog on the Luck factor. Do take out time to go through it as well.

Also by not sticking to what we originally wanted, we should ensure that we don’t regret the decision later on thinking that sticking on would have been much better.

Changing the clock (as suggested by Gaurav) was never an option for me because I never thought about it. Maybe all talking clock don't have same the simple option for changing display. ..Fixing the clock was just a symbolic expression of victory of mind over matter. Maybe that was my FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

A problem once solved always looks easier. There would be some many other incomplete jobs I would have it worth giving them a fresh try....I will only know if I try

Thanks for actually reading the article and sharing your views...blogging is meant for takes the subject to newer heights and brings out the difference in opinions beautifully

I leave you all with this thought ... few lines from Don’t Quit poem. I am sure if you read them aloud in your mind, you are going to like it even better!)

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

P.S - Gaurav, thanks once again and hope you find your answer somewhere in the above blog...Regards, Bhupesh


  1. Dear Bhupesh,

    This is a very well written article...
    I read it somewhere that sometimes to you need to step back to really move forward..
    At the onset I have your number will call and catch up sometime soon to discuss personal things..
    Now my opinion is not about should one quit or opinion is what if someone has an option but still wants to stick on to what he or she is currently doing. I say one should really weigh the pros and cons and decide, coz today we have more than ample opportunities available..
    What if the elephant had two option : 1- to break the chain, and 2- to pull his foot out of the chain and be free...would it really be worth trying to break the chain?
    As for you, you are the elephant who just has the option to break the chain coz now you have the watch with you and two years later the shopkeeper is not going to exchange it for you. I strongly accept the fact if you dont have an option come what may one should fight all circumstances till you succeed.. I love this one by Kabir
    "karat karat abhyaas ke...jadmati hott sujaan...
    rasri aawat jaat hai...sir par parat nisaan..."

    Did we not learn how to ride a bicycle by falling umpteen number of times, remember how many kites you spoiled before you flew you first kite, all because we did not have any option.

    Lets talk about success - Lets say sales you have a target 100 crores (assuming achievable)for 2012-2013. You have multiple ways to achieve it : Run alone, Hire a team, appoint distributors...everything has their own pros and cons. When you do it alone you know how much effort to put and then all the earning are yours, in a sales team scenario you can get to the mark faster but you have to shell out the salary (lesser earning), and then lets say in Q4 month 3 one sales guy quits without informing...
    in a dealer network you have even bigger reach, but even lesser margins, possibility of clash of sales (dealer and you both reaching the same client), material sold by you to the dealer, but somehow he could not sell it and is kept in his warehouse ( goods not reaching the actual user, is definitely not a sale for me), & then how about return of material from dealer saying he wants to quit dealership.

    What do you think is a Logical/practical/emotional decision in this situation?

    Let me give another hypothetical situation -
    I am living in a rented accommodation close to my work place and every month I am in a financial fix. (Let say Salary -30000 pm, rent etc 15000, travel 3000, living expenses - 10000, savings available - 2000). I have an option to shift a little far away from work place (Let say Salary -30000 pm, rent etc 10000, travel 5000, living expenses - 10000, savings available - 5000).. what do you say should be my decision.

    I can think of many such situations which have no definite answer. Sometimes you think practically and sometimes one has to think from the heart.

    But I still feel where ever I can take compare the multiple choices available, I would like to chose the more practical option, always & always

  2. One more thing that I just noticed,
    You wrote this article at 8.45 AM whereas I commented at 1.30 AM.
    You chose an early morning time to write and I chose a late night time, which one of the two is a better choice can only be decided when there is possibility of comparing these two options....
    You chose Morning coz you can get up early morning, I chose night coz I can work late night..Lets say both you and me need to put 10 hours of work time in a day
    Lets say we both get up at 7 and sleep at 11
    You start at 10 and end the day at end at 8
    I start at 12 and end at 10...
    you have three hours in the morning and 3 in the evening, and I have 5 in the morning and 1 in the evening...Assuming your option is better as your free time is divided and you can do personal work both in the morning and evening where as I am struggling for xyz things when I am back from work,
    Do you think I should continue to start working at 12 and end at 10 (provided I had an option). What do you think should be my decision here?

    PS: I am really enjoying this in a good way. I think such discussion will widen not just out thought process but everyone reading this..

    Keep writing!!!! :-)

  3. @Bhupesh & @Gaurav - I am seeing a new facet of your personalities - really!

    1. You could be seeing a new facet of Bhupesh's persona, but mine this is the only one you have seen i guess...
      In simple words - Do you know me by any chance?

  4. Opinions are like assholes.. everyone has one ..AND.. there is no end to 'intellectual masturbation' .. you can do it anytime of the day whether at 1 am or 8 am ..

  5. Simple but true!
    read out out to my daughter...guess that's the best way to appritiate a good lesson.
    Karthikeyan ramaswamy.
