Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Bigger Picture

Has it ever occurred to you that what you believed, to the best of your knowledge, to be the correct picture eventually turned out to be very different? Yes, I am sure would have been your answer. I was reading the newspaper yesterday when I stumbled upon this picture of the elephant and the six blind men.
(While this article was about the National Pension Scheme and what the general investors thought about it, I took the opportunity to pen down some of my thoughts around this)
While each one describes what he felt about the elephant the complete picture turns out to be only partially correct. Slight extrapolation of the story here, would it be possible to imagine how different their answer would have been if they could speak within themselves sharing their experiences (remember they were only blind). The answer would have been different if only they were able to accept the bigger picture than what they personally experienced. That is what my blog is about today.

I am sure some of us would have heard this following joke.

There was an old couple happily married. Every time the husband would ask his wife what was for dinner, his wife wouldn't reply. The husband realised that his wife had developed some hearing problem and as a good husband decided to take her to the doctor. When the doctor examined the wife, he found her hearing powers in good condition. It was the husband who required the treatment...!

Though we might have had a good laugh at this joke but there's a bigger message in it. Is it that the problem is with someone else only? Are we willing to even explore the possibility of something else? At times we feel we know everything until something shocking hits us on the face.

Ever felt that in a relationship that the other person never understood you or listened to you? I am sure you would have understood what I am hinting at.

I am not saying that all of us might be feeling the same way and if we tried just enough, we would get the clues from our own surroundings to figure it out before it blows out of proportion. What we make out of this blog depends entirely on us.

I leave you all with one of the best forwarded messages (thanks to Aniket Acharekar from Mumbai) I came across so far..

A group of highly educated students visited their old university professor.
Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering them coffee, Professor returned from kitchen with a pot of coffee and an assortment of cups- porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to hot coffee. When all had a cup of coffee in hand,
The professor said: "If U noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain ones. While it's but normal for U to want only the best, that's also the source of Ur stress. What U really wanted was coffee, not the cup, But U still went for the best cups nd were eyeing each other's cups!"

If life is coffee, Then jobs, money and status in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life.

Don't let the cups drive U..

Enjoy the coffee...!

Hope you enjoyed reading this one and would love you to know your views / comments on this one. Also do check out my earlier blog Big Picture I wrote in Dec2010. 


  1. Nice story and every one will have diverse understanding …. It can be relate to personal as well as professional aspect of life.

    Keep writing….

    Satinder Kaur

  2. Good observation Bhupesh....keep writing.

    Regards.....Santosh Shetty

  3. Good one.Gives a good message that we should look things from a broader perspective.This will probably make our life simpler.Keep writing:)

  4. read it, liked it - but - sometimes only one person keeps looking at the bigger picture while others make his/her life miserable :) ~ Shilpa Gandotra

  5. Have gone through your blog & is very well composed.
    The paper cut adds a lot of meaning to the entire blog.
    As mentioned earlier, there are lot of ideas which wave through our minds in course of a day & does not catch much attention. Your work is excellent & wish you to keep up the momentum to stir through the minds of all connected.


  6. Very well written..

    We all need to step back from the daily grind of business and look at the big picture The big Picture is like "The Olympic ".

    You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures.

    We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore.


  7. Good one Bhupesh!!! Keep writing :)

  8. This is really good.. everytime you read.. it marks a lot of question ... on everyting u chose in life... Please keep writing.


  9. Sir this is really grt..........Good thinking.............Pls Keep writing........

  10. Look at the bigger picture "Puneet"... one of mine's mentor used to use these line ..when, i use to ask him silly and trivial questions.

    Bhupi, your blogs have deep message's hidden in them, iam sure you would be stressing your brains to write your best.

    All the best, as usual your blogs are M-otivators !!..Keep the job up !!

    Happy Janamashtami

    Puneet Oberoi

  11. This is really good one.. on every sphere in life you miss to see the bigger picture and tend to make wrong choices... keep writing

  12. Good one...n so true :) Prerna Sehgal

  13. Well said Bhupesh,Life is synonymously connected to the picture we have in our mind to the objects of the world.It's not the Matter ,again our mind / way of looking that matters majorly..
